Below is the list of USSD codes commonly used by M1 customers. By using these codes you can easily and quickly check your account details.
M1 SIM balance check number | *100# |
Check your prepaid credit balance | *104# |
Check your data balance | *138# |
Manage your account and services (e.g. activate/deactivate caller ID, check roaming rates, etc.) | *123# |
Activate/deactivate M1 mobile services (e.g. caller ID, voicemail, etc.) | *136# |
Check your bill balance and due date | *146# |
Check your SIM card number | 1007# |
Check your phone number | 1237# |
Voice versions of these codes can be verified by removing the *# marks and by that the above services can be obtained by voice.
See More: Singtel USSD Codes
These M1 USSD codes are reserved for the general use of all types of customers and the working extent of these codes may vary depending on technical issues such as the type of your phone, the type of package, etc.